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[56882] 無題 投稿者:azoumepaujeno [返信]

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(2025/02/12(Wed) 06:01)

[56881] 無題 投稿者:ejiipohsg [返信]

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(2025/02/12(Wed) 06:01)

[56880] 無題 投稿者:MichaelFuern [返信]

Guatemala has pledged a 40% increase in deportation flights carrying Guatemalans and migrants of other nationalities from the United States, President Bernardo Arevalo announced Wednesday during a press conference with US Secretary of State Marco Rubio.
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Guatemala has also agreed to create a task force for border control and protection along the country’s eastern borders. The force, composed of members of the National Police and army, will be tasked with fighting “all forms of transnational crime,” Arevalo said.
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Foreign nationals who arrive in Guatemala through deportation flights will be repatriated to their home countries, Arevalo said, adding that the US and Guatemala would continue to have talks on how the process would work and how the US would cooperate.
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Arevalo also said that Rubio has voiced his support for developing infrastructure projects in the Central American nation. He added that his government would send a delegation to Washington in the coming weeks to negotiate deals for economic investments in Guatemala which he said would incentivize Guatemalans to stay in their home country and not migrate to the US.

Arevalo said Guatemala has not had any discussions about receiving criminals from the US as El Salvador’s president has offered. He also insisted his country has not reached a “safe third country” agreement with the United States, which would require migrants who pass through Guatemala to apply for asylum there rather than continuing to the US.
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(2025/02/12(Wed) 06:00)

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